A Memorable Evening

The Metropolis Ministry Dinner is an annual event that has been going strong for 33 years. Every year the dinner honors the dedicated ministry of laity in the 62 parishes of our Metropolis. It is one of the many innovative achievements of our beloved Bishop, Metropolitan Methodios, who this year is celebrating his 35 years as our spiritual leader. Our parish of Holy Trinity has sent about 20 honorees to this dinner over the years since 1987.

Last night’s event was exceptional. Our parish did not send an honoree this time, but five of us went down to represent our parish. In addition to honoring the ministry of many faithful men and women from our Metropolis, last night’s dinner was made especially memorable by the presence of Archbishop Demetrios, who has retired after 20 years of faithful leadership of our Archdiocese. Metropolitan Methodios in his typical humility chose to take away the focus from his own 35 years of ministry in order to put the spotlight on our retired Archbishop. It was a beautiful evening.

Archbishop Demetrios expressed is own gratitude not only to our Metropolitan but to all aspects of church life in America. He received great applause when he told us that in his retirement he would not go back to Greece, but will stay in America. He quoted the opening of Paul’s Letter to the Thessalonians as his own greeting to the gathered faithful of our Metropolis – and it was a huge gathering, perhaps the largest ever.

We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, constantly remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 1:2-3)

The Archbishop finished by quoting from Christ’s letter to the church in Philadelphia in the Book of Revelation (3:8): I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. Those words and the setting in which the Archbishop spoke them resonated powerfully with a positive vision for our church in America. It is so easy to be cynical and critical about church matters, but Jesus Christ always opens doors to us to be fruitful. Let us fearlessly walk through the door that the Lord opens to us. In our little parish of Holy Trinity we have had our own share of open doors and faithful members who have inspired us to walk through them. Our job is not finished.

His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios at the Ministry Awards Dinner of the Metropolis of Boston, 9 June 2019
The Archbishop had a special gift for Metropolitan Methodios as they shared the podium at the Ministry Awards Dinner

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