
Are you using all the resources that God provides for His glory?
Are you managing the resources that God has given for the betterment of His creation?What does it mean to be a steward of our church and of our faith?
These are all questions we need to ask ourselves. 
Our lives are not our own; our lives are on loan from God. Whether this is acknowledged or not, we are called to steward everything about our life for His glory and the good of others. This includes our life in our church, Holy Trinity Church.
We are stewards of this church in our commitment and participation in Liturgy, in church projects and activities, in sharing our God given talents and skills as well as our financial support. 
Be a steward with love and joy!

The Stewardship Commitment Card is mailed every year to all our active and prospective members. If you did not receive one, click on the Download button below and print the 2-page PDF, fill out as much of the information as is relevant to you, trim to a size you can mail, and send it to:
Holy Trinity Church, 133 Pleasant Street, Portland, ME 04101