Why Everlasting is Better

A Calvin And Hobbes comic strip from 1989 shows Calvin, the young, often precocious boy, in seemingly deep conversation with Hobbes, Calvin’s pet tiger and sidekick. Calvin speaks: “History is a force. Its unalterable tide sweeps all people and institutions along its unrelenting path. Everything and everyone serves history’s single purpose.”

“What is that purpose?” asks Hobbes.

“Why, to produce me, of course! I’m the end result of history” Calvin replies in full pompous tone. “Now I’m here and history is vindicated.”

“So now that history’s brought you, what are you going to do?” asks Hobbes. 

Calvin doesn’t answer, but the final panel in the comic strip provides visual answer, as it shows Calvin and Hobbes watching cartoons on television. So history culminates in us – and in us being entertained.

Today’s Sermon reflects on how Calvin and Hobbes help us understand today’s Gospel reading, the Parable of the Great Banquet, says about the meaning and purpose of life….

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