If you want to understand the Ukraine war better

Many Orthodox Christians are deeply troubled by the very visible support of the Russian Orthodox Church to Putin’s invasion and unfolding destruction of Ukraine. Not only does the Patriarch of Moscow support and bless Putin’s actions, but he also promotes and spreads Putin’s propaganda and lies! Even as Lent began, he offered nothing of the spirit of humility and repentance that Lent calls for. He instead repeated the lies that Russia invaded Ukraine to liberate it from ‘Nazis’ and western ‘decadent’ values!

To understand better the sinful collaboration of the Russian Orthodox Church with Putin’s global ambitions, and thus to better understand what lies behind the invasion of Ukraine, read this: The Kremlin Playbook 3. The article may also help you understand Russia’s interference in European and American internal affairs and politics.

Our own Elizabeth Prodromou contributed to the fuller report of which the above cited article is only a summary. The full report can be downloaded here: https://www.csis.org/analysis/kremlin-playbook-3-keeping-faith

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