Our New Altar Gospel Book

Thanks to a generous donation by Christo & Kimberly Kapothanasis, we were able to purchase a new Gospel Book to replace the outworn and irreparably damaged Gospel Book we’ve been using, and which is out of print. It is shameful that neither the Archdiocese nor Holy Cross have published a new edition! After all, how can we do Liturgy without a Gospel Book? But Newrome Press has come to the rescue and published this uniquely beautiful bilingual Altar Gospel Book. It contains all the Gospel readings for every day of the year, including all the feasts and saints’ days, as well as the Gospel readings for all sacraments and special services. It is of course a bilingual edition. The Greek text is the official Greek text of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The parallel English translation is made directly from the Greek text of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

The Gospel Book is printed on quality paper and is sturdily bound. The pages of the Gospel are richly illustrated by color icons and lettering. Go through the slideshow below to see some typical pages, together with the front and back cover enhanced with images of the Resurrection and the Crucifixion. Thank you, Kim and Chris, for making this purchase possible!

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