Animal Refuge League Collection Drive

Our parish has often pulled together to support worthy organizations and major relief situations around the world. Every year we collect blankets for the homeless, we have an ongoing food collection to support local soup kitchen and food pantry, we paid to ship important medical supplies to Ukraine earlier this year, and we regularly support Red Cross and Archdiocese relief efforts in areas of natural disaster in the U.S. and around the world. We thank God that we are able to make these occasional and ongoing contributions to the survival and wellbeing of life on our planet.

We now begin a commitment to help the Animal Refuge Leage of Greater Portland (ARLGP).

We will have a collection drive of supplies and items that the Animal Refuge League needs in their daily care of animals. The complete list is shown on the website
and at the bottom of this email. The collection drive will begin Sunday, November 6th.

And there are other ways you can help, as outlined below.

Your monetary help is always welcome. You can donate directly to the Animal Refuge League. Go to their website to make a single donation or a monthly donation:

If you use the hashtag #SNELOVESPETS in your social media during the month of October, Subaru New England will donate $5 to the Animal Refuge League. But hurry, the month is almost over.

If you wish to make your donation through the church, make sure you indicate that your check or credit card donation is for the Animal Refuge League (ARLGP). We will combine donations and send one or more checks to the ARLGP. If you use our PayPal donate button, please make sure to add a note that your donation is for the ARLGP. But also remember that PayPal takes 3% of every donation you make through PayPal.

The other way you can support the Animal Refuge League is through their wish lists, which are given with full details on their website:

This effort on behalf of the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland is one of the most important outreach efforts our parish has ever undertaken. All creatures great and small are loved by their and our Creator. Many do not have the privilege of a caring home, or they’re waiting for a caring home, but God has provided through the Animal Refuge League a way to rescue and care for them. Please help in whichever way you can through one or more of the ways given here. Thank you.

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