Our Metropolitan’s 40th Anniversary

Last Sunday, November 13th, the parishes of Portland, Saco, Lewiston, Portsmouth and Dover jointly held a family gathering and dinner at the St Nicholas Church in Portsmouth in honor of our Metropolitan Methodios on the 40th anniversary of his elevation to the episcopate. It was a truly wonderful occasion, full of love and warm affection for our spiritual leader. He has guided our own parish of Holy Trinity with tender loving care and we have enjoyed his many visits over the years. HIs last visit one year ago is remembered in the featured photo at the top of this page. We hope that he will visit several times more, as we pray for his health and wellbeing. God grant him many more years of faithful service to our community and to the over 50 parishes of the Metropolis of Boston. Many thanks to Father Dimitri Moraitis and the entire community of Portsmouth, NH, for hosting this event. It was a memorable afternoon for all who participated.

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