Updates from the Parish Nurse

February is National Heart Month and each year we support the Go Red For Women campaign sponsored by the American Heart Association’s national movement to end heart disease and stroke in women. Did you know that 80 percent of cardiac events may be prevented with education and lifestyle changes?

Please join us on Sunday, February 19th as we pass out literature and Red Dress lapel pins to support this effort. Wear something red that Sunday if you wish as well. Hopefully, we can help the American Heart Association with this important work. You may make a donation to the American Heart Association  at that time if you wish. 

    Earlier in the month we will be sending out Valentines and get well wishes to our homebound parishioners as a way to remember them and their support of the church.

    I will also be posting soon  some information on programs and services offered by the Southern Maine Agency on Aging that are available free of charge that can be accessed from home or Yoga or other health and exercise classes at various locations in our area.

    Stay safe and healthy during these winter months and we hope to see you at church.

I would like to thank so many of you for helping support the Preble St Resource Programs provide services to the homeless. We collected 40 warm blankets, hats and gloves, as well as $400 to donate to the programs. The staff and volunteers at the shelters were very appreciative of our efforts to help our most vulnerable neighbors stay warm during the cold winter months. 
I hope you and your families are staying healthy and safe and thank you again for your kindness and generosity.
Jackie Tselikis MSEdRN
Parish Nurse

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