Vision and Mission
The Orthodox faith is ancient, rooted in the formative centuries of Christian theology; and our Liturgy and liturgical art and music are just as ancient. Holy Trinity Church of Portland honors our rich and unchanging theological heritage while at the same time bringing it into creative dialogue with the present. We truly believe that the Orthodox faith is uniquely empowered by the Holy Spirit for a mission to those who seek a deeper and more authentic Christianity at a time when more and more people are dropping out of Christianity in its Western forms.
We are a multi-national community, a beautiful example of the American genius for welcoming immigrants. Most of us are immigrants, or children and grandchildren of immigrants. We are proud of our diverse national backgrounds, but even more inspired to share our faith in the unity of Christ in the midst of our beautifully diverse city. We welcome all people of all backgrounds, our doors to the Liturgy are always open. When you attend our ever-popular Greek Festival in June, take a break from our incomparable food and sweets, enter the church, and enjoy spiritual food as you gaze upon our icons. Perhaps the beauty and spiritual depth of our icons will guide you to join the Orthodox community of faith. If you wish to know more about our faith, wonder through the pages of this website. For a more personal interaction, contact our priest, Father Constantine Sarantidis at or (207) 831-3016. Whatever your interest, our church is open to you. We will be celebrating our 100th anniversary in 2025-26. Come and celebrate with us and join our community of worship, service and sacred fellowship.
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church is committed to creating a culturally diverse spiritual sanctuary for a relationship with Christ by sharing the universal theological message of Orthodoxy. Holy Trinity Church aims to be a fellowship where Christ’s life meets our own and becomes our own!

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