January 29, 2023 Movie Event
From Sofia Kirtchev:
On Sunday January 29, 2023, I went into the parish house thinking I was going to eat pizza and watch a simple entertaining movie about Pope Francis writing a letter called “Laudato Si.” However, as I watched the movie, the meaning behind it was much deeper than I suspected and made me shed uncontrollable tears. The movie touched my soul. It was about Pope Francis and his encyclical letter “Laudato Si,” which addresses the urgent need for action on climate change. I saw the passion behind the climate change-advocating children Pope Frances sent his letter to. It made me think, if these children are so impactful to the world, why not me? That day I went in the car and couldn’t help but cry, the tears would not stop. I saw an innocent koala in a sea of orange flame sitting in its home. I didn’t want to submit to killing our climate anymore and I had a long conversation with my mom about what we could do at home to stop contributing to the dying Earth. The movie is a touching and inspiring portrayal of the power of faith in shaping our actions and the importance of taking care of our shared home. It serves as a reminder of the urgent need for action on climate change and the importance of spreading awareness about the issue to future generations. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to watch that beautiful movie and I hope many more people will feel the same way about it that I did.
From Thea Dugas:
On Sunday, January 29th, Holy Trinity parish members and people outside our church community gathered to watch “The Letter.” This short film is about bringing together the voice of the youth, the voice of the indigenous, the voice of the poor, and the voice of the wildlife; while following Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’: the Care of our Common Home. It was deeply moving, uncommonly riveting, and eye-opening to different perspectives around the globe. We saw the importance of saving our Earth and the direct tie it has to religion. We saw the diverse problems that make up this predicament as well as the diverse factors we need in a solution.

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