Parish Nurse
May is American Stroke Month
This May for American Stroke Month, the American Stroke Association encourages everyone to be a bold advocate for their health. Join us and learn F.A.S.T. to save a life.
For excellent stroke information and advice from the American Stroke Association, CLICK HERE.

Thank you so much to everyone who donated to the Red Cross Disaster Fund for Maui. Continuing the work of the Red Cross is so vital and they always step up to offer lifesaving support for so many in need.
We collected $1000 due to your generosity that will be so appreciated by the people we are helping.
Stay well and healthy.
Jackie Tselikis MSEdRN
Parish Nurse
A note from Parish Nurse, Jackie Tselikis
Hello. I am enclosing a home Emergency Supplies kit checklist for items for you to consider keeping in your homes for Emergency Preparedness.
Stay safe.
Jackie Tselikis MSEdRN, Parish Nurse
For Jackie’s Checklist, click here.
February is National Heart Month and each year we support the Go Red For Women campaign sponsored by the American Heart Association’s national movement to end heart disease and stroke in women. Did you know that 80 percent of cardiac events may be prevented with education and lifestyle changes?
Please join us on Sunday, February 19th as we pass out literature and Red Dress lapel pins to support this effort. Wear something red that Sunday if you wish as well. Hopefully, we can help the American Heart Association with this important work. You may make a donation to the American Heart Association at that time if you wish.
Earlier in the month we will be sending out Valentines and get well wishes to our homebound parishioners as a way to remember them and their support of the church.
I will also be posting soon some information on programs and services offered by the Southern Maine Agency on Aging that are available free of charge that can be accessed from home or Yoga or other health and exercise classes at various locations in our area.
Stay safe and healthy during these winter months and we hope to see you at church.
Jackie Tselikis MSEdRN
I would like to thank so many of you for helping support the Preble St Resource Programs provide services to the homeless. We collected 40 warm blankets, hats and gloves, as well as $400 to donate to the programs. The staff and volunteers at the shelters were very appreciative of our efforts to help our most vulnerable neighbors stay warm during the cold winter months.
I hope you and your families are staying healthy and safe and thank you again for your kindness and generosity.
Jackie Tselikis MSEdRN
Parish Nurse
Influenza Update
The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed that influenza rates are already higher and earlier than usual, and case numbers are higher than they have been in over a decade in parts of the country
Getting a flu shot is still the best way to protect yourself and I encourage you to make arrangements to receive it as soon as possible if you haven’t already.
There are many vaccination sites. For example: local pharmacies, Walmart, Hannafords, Sam’s and of course, your physician’s office. Most sites have appointment information on their websites.
Take good care of yourselves and your families.
Yours in health, Jackie Tselikis MSEdRN
Parish Nurse

The mission of the Parish Nurse Ministry is to provide a link between the needs of the whole person (body, mind and soul) and the health resources of the church and community. Parish nursing helps to create a framework within our parish in which members of the church care for one another by providing Health and Wellness education and activities. At Holy Trinity we have an active Health and Wellness Group that is open to all interested parishioners and provides monthly luncheons that promote educational, interactive, and health related programs. We collaborate with community agencies and health professionals and sponsor fund raising efforts for American Heart Association, American Cancer Association, Red Cross, local Shelter programs, students and other non profit organizations. Contact Jackie Tselikis M.Ed RN, Holy Trinity Parish Nurse
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